Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute

Disability Services

Disability Services

How to Access Services


  1. Apply for services
  2. Submit supporting documents
  3. Follow up with Disability Services Representative

Welcome to CCC&TI. We are glad you are here.

Disability Services assists qualified students to gain equal access and quality services in compliance with federal and state laws by coordinating accommodations and support services.

Disability Services welcomes you, and we are here to assist you. In order to be successful at CCC&TI, consider the following list of recommendations.

  • If you plan to request accommodations, fill out the form in this booklet titled “Disability Services Application” and email, mail, or bring the form to the DS representative on your campus. Or call, email, or write to your campus’s representative to begin the accommodation process.
  • Accommodations may change each semester according class requirements, so Disability Services should be one of your first stops every semester. Bring your schedule, so DS can prepare new accommodation forms for you. In certain circumstances, you may need to provide updated documentation of your disability.
  • If an instructor has questions about accommodations, refer him or her to DS. We will work with instructors and students to resolve questions.
  • Advocate for yourself politely and consistently with instructors and others. Most people will listen to what you have to say and want to work with you.
  • Talk to instructors if you have problems, and cooperate with them on solutions. Keep DS informed. College courses are challenging and require many hours of work.
  • Use the resources CCC&TI offers such as The Writing Center, tutoring services in Academic Support, personal and career counseling in the Counseling and Advising Center, employment services in the Career Planning and Placement Center, Library (LRC) resources, workshops, Academic Advisors, and Supplemental Instruction.
  • Study each class’s syllabus carefully, so you are familiar with instructors’ rules, attendance policies, and grading scales. Regular attendance in class is vital to success.
  • Plan your time carefully, setting aside regular study times every day. A daily study schedule is more effective than an “I’ll do it when I have time” approach.
  • Work with your academic advisor to balance your schedule each semester, planning your most challenging courses at a time when your attention is most efficient.
  • Take notes every day, and date your notes and handouts. Keep notes organized into separate notebooks. Use a day planner or a cell phone to keep track of important due dates and test dates. Refer to and update the information often. Last of all, keep a positive attitude and avoid negative thinking.

Helpful Information

Frequently Asked Questions about Disability Services

What is CCC&TI’s obligation to students with disabilities?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 2009 amended law (ADAAA) require reasonable accommodations be provided to otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities in order to compensate for the disability and make all material and programs accessible. A disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act is defined as a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits at least one major life activity or bodily function.

Are any accommodations required?

No required accommodations exist in disability law for any disability. Accommodations must address each disability individually along with its relationship to acquiring information or skills required in each course and accessibility to offerings of the college. Examples of common accommodations include recording a class, use of a calculator, extended time on tests, note takers, and testing in a reduced-distraction environment. Other accommodations are also available under specific circumstances. Students’ preferences are considered.

How are accommodations determined?

Ideally, accommodations are determined at the beginning of each semester in a cooperative process including faculty, disability services, and the student. This situation is not always possible if questions of confidentiality arise such as when a student chooses not to disclose information about a disability to an instructor. The instructor is the expert in course content and academic expectations; the student knows best what may or may not work for his or her learning style and disability, and disability services is a resource for ideas as well as being responsible for determining that the college is meeting the needs of students with disabilities with timely, reasonable accommodations as required by law. Accommodations are not in place until the accommodation form is signed by faculty, students, and disability services. Accommodations do not guarantee success; they attempt to provide access to learning and other offerings of CCC&TI.

How long do accommodations apply?

Accommodations may change any time during the semester if new medical or psychological information is obtained, if current accommodations are ineffective, or if the status of the student's disability changes. No deadline for requesting accommodations exists. Certain disabilities may not affect a student's learning or behavior. However, certain medical conditions may affect a student's attendance and learning at times during the semester and not at other times. Each situation is evaluated individually.

What are the student's responsibilities?

The student is responsible for working with Disability Services, providing medical and/or psychological documentation, requesting accommodations in a timely manner, discussing the accommodations with instructors, and securing required signatures. The student is also responsible for meeting academic requirements of each class and abiding by the procedures in each class's syllabus as well as the CCC&TI Student Code of Conduct.

Responsibilities Related to Disability Services


  • Identify themselves to Disability Services and work with DS personnel to determine accommodations as early as possible at the beginning of each semester.
  • Provide current documentation of the disability according to college’s policy.
  • Provide instructors with a signed copy of the accommodation form.
  • Communicate with DS during the semester and at the beginning of each semester.
  • Maintain responsibility for learning including meeting academic standards, academic integrity, and behavior according to the college’s Student Code of Conduct.
  • Become familiar with all policies and procedures of the college and abide by them. Ask questions if any information is unclear.
  • Understand differences between secondary and post-secondary disability laws and procedures.


  • Communicate and collaborate with Disability Services.
  • Meet with students with disabilities as soon as possible.
  • Give consideration to students’ need for privacy.
  • Provide reasonable accommodations on the accommodation form from DS.
  • Maintain course expectations and standards consistently according to the course syllabus and in keeping with the CCC&TI Student Code of Conduct.
  • Prepare, present, and provide instructional materials in accessible formats


  • Comply with federal and state laws pertaining to students with disabilities.
  • Maintain records according to the confidentiality requirements of FERPA.
  • Provide accessibility in all offerings of the college.
  • Offer diverse services and opportunities which improve the quality of life.

Differences between High School and College for Students with Disabilities

High School


Applicable Laws
  • I.D.E.A
  • Section 504 Rehabilitation Act
Applicable Laws
  • Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act (A.D.A. A. A. amended in 2009)
  • Section 504 Rehabilitation Act
  • Family Educational Privacy Act (FERPA)
Documentation of Disability
  • Individual Education Plan (I.E.P.).
  • School system provides evaluation.
  • No cost to student.
  • School retests as needed.
Documentation of Disability
  • Requirements vary depending upon the disability, and may require diagnostic testing documentation.
  • Documentation must follow published guidelines at specific post-secondary institution.
  • Student must provide the evaluation or retesting at his/her own expense as required.
Students’ Role
  • School identifies and tests students with disabilities.
  • School determines and sets up accommodations according to disability.
  • Student supervised closely by school’s exceptional children specialists.
Students’ Role
  • Student must contact Disability Services on the home campus when enrolled in college-level coursework. Student, faculty and DS work together on accommodations after documentation is provided by student.
  • Student stays in contact every semester.
  • Student is responsible for success.
Parents’ Role
  • Parents have access to student records.
  • Participation in determining accommodations is mandatory.
  • Parents have access to information from teachers/administrators until age 18.
Parents’ Role
  • Unable to access student records without student's written consent form on file in Student Services.
  • Students must advocate for themselves in requesting accommodations at the beginning of every semester.
Instructors’ Role
  • May modify standards of curriculum and assignments.
  • Often tests weekly, mid-term, final, and includes numerous graded in-class and out-of-class assignments.
Instructors’ Role
  • Not required to modify standards of curriculum or assignments.
  • May use any instructional approach.
  • Instructors have options for frequency of tests and assignments.
  • Taken and reported to specified department.
  • Some absences considered excused or unexcused.
  • Published attendance policy of each instructor must be adhered to by students.
  • No excused absences.
  • Students dropped from course if exceeding allowable number of absences (tardies accumulated may add up to an absence).
  • Modifications available based on curriculum.
  • Instructors follow guidelines in published syllabi for each course.
  • Grades reflect the quality of student’s work.
  • No modification of grades for any subject.
  • Disruptive conduct may be permitted.
  • Students must adhere to college’s published Code of Conduct.
  • Secondary education is about ensuring success.
  • Post-secondary is about ensuring access to learning.
  • Success is based on student’s achievement in coursework as presented.
  • Determined, provided, and paid for by high school for all students registered in high school classes.
  • Accommodations follow mandates contained in secondary non-discrimination laws.
  • Accommodations monitored by high school personnel.
Examples of Differences in Accommodations
  • Shortening of tests or modification of assignments are possible.
  • Personal assistant can be provided.
  • Academic standards are sometimes lowered/compromised.
  • Test in different formats such as orally.
  • Individual tutoring available.
  • Off-campus services sometimes provided.
  • Transportation available.
  • Separate classes offered.
  • Student closely monitored by high school personnel.
  • Determined according to institution’s required documentation. Accommodations are facilitated between faculty, Disability Services, and the student.
  • Accommodations are free of additional charge to the student.
  • Accommodations follow guidelines and requirements of post-secondary non-discrimination laws (different laws from secondary education).
  • Student must advocate for accommodations.
Examples of Differences in Accommodations
  • No shortening or lowering of standards on assignments, tests, projects or compromising of academic integrity.
  • No personal assistants provided by college.
  • Testing in different format or shortened format not required.
  • Individual tutoring not provided (tutors available for all students equally).
  • No off-campus services provided.
  • Transportation not provided.
  • Students receive a free, appropriate public education.
  • Books are provided by secondary school.
  • Secondary education is mandatory.
  • Tuition and book expenses vary, and all expenses for enrolling/attending are responsibility of student/family.
  • Post-secondary education is a personal choice, not mandatory.

Forms and Policies


Caldwell Campus

Watauga Campus